Shipwrecks of Robin Hood's Bay


Shipwrecks of Robin Hood's Bay


Up to 1900


1900 to 2000


Life Boats


Coast Guards


Wreck of the Knud

2nd January 1900

Built in 1871 the Knud was 231 ft long with a 30ft beam.

" At 4:00am on Tuesday morning in hazy weather and heavy seas, the 725ton (1190 tons?) Danish steamer on light passage from Ghent to Middlesborough went ashore on the scaur under North Cheek. The Rocket Apparatus was used without success and the Lifeboat was launched. Thirteen of the eighteen crew were brought ashore and looked after by Mrs Fenby of the Bay Hotel.

Mrs Fenby of The Bay Hotel

The remaining five crew including Captain N.P.Nelson subsequently came ashore and the wreck was sold by public auction."

She became a total loss as the sea pounded her against the rocky scuar. The mast spars salvaged form the Knud were used in Hill Cottage.